Bianca Scardoni | Invidious: Release Date & Teaser
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Invidious: Release Date & Teaser

I’m excited to finally be able to post an official update for Invidious, The Marked Book 2, scheduled to release June 4th, 2016! It’s been a very long road, but I’m happy to say I can finally see the light at the end of this crazy tunnel. I’ve also posted a brand new teaser from the book featuring a scene between Jemma and Caleb (with Trace and Nikki in the background).

Oh, and I’ll be posting the cover reveal for Invidious this week (provided everything goes as planned and I stop obsessing over every single little detail). So definitely keep an eye out for that post šŸ˜‰ Thank you all again for your continued support and patience <3

Enjoy the teaser!

Don’t forget to signup for my mailing list for more teasers and updates.


  • Lana G.
    Posted at 14:05h, 25 April Reply

    Eek! I can't believe we have a release date! Already put that shiz down on my calendar. I'm so FREAKIN' excited for this. Thank you! šŸ™‚

  • Beth Kinsey
    Posted at 03:15h, 30 April Reply

    Ohmygosh! Just got through reading Inception. I didn't want want to put it down. So excited to have the 2cd book release date. I do have to admit though, my heart was ripped out at the very end! I was NOT expecting Trace to betray her after all that has transpired between him and Jemma throughout the book. I am sooo praying that Trace had a plan all along, really is a good guy, will rescue Jemma in the end and they'll live happily ever after. Just like in a good fairy tale. Lol

  • Stephne Botha
    Posted at 19:29h, 30 April Reply

    Can't wait!!

  • Eva
    Posted at 21:01h, 03 May Reply

    Yay, finally a release date to look forward to! Can't wait! šŸ™‚

  • Don't Blink
    Posted at 23:05h, 04 May Reply

    I have a theory… deception is afoot..

  • God is Good
    Posted at 13:32h, 09 May Reply

    Super excited!

  • Dakota Dupuis
    Posted at 02:41h, 13 May Reply

    So friggin excited? Is it available to preorder? I'm chompin at the bit eek ;0}

  • Dakota Dupuis
    Posted at 02:41h, 13 May Reply

    So friggin excited? Is it available to preorder? I'm chompin at the bit eek ;0}

  • Bianca Scardoni
    Posted at 04:57h, 01 June Reply

    In Hollow Hills? Always šŸ˜€

  • Bianca Scardoni
    Posted at 05:00h, 01 June Reply

    Me too! Only 4 more days…and yes, it's up for pre-order šŸ˜‰

  • Bianca Scardoni
    Posted at 05:00h, 01 June Reply

    Reading this just made me THAT much more excited for you guys to read this book xxo

  • Bianca Scardoni
    Posted at 05:01h, 01 June Reply

    lol, I seriously love this! xxo

  • Bianca Scardoni
    Posted at 05:02h, 01 June Reply

    Me too!! xxo šŸ™‚

  • Bianca Scardoni
    Posted at 05:02h, 01 June Reply

    Can't wait for you to read it! :))

  • Debs Pearce
    Posted at 09:40h, 30 July Reply

    Wow! It was every bit as fabulous as promised/imagined!!!! Thank you Bianca ? No. 3 PLEASE soon Lol ? xxx

  • Leslie Byrd
    Posted at 04:56h, 03 August Reply

    I just got the first 2 books on Kindle unlimited I read them both in a day I’m super excited I need more I got a brand new favorite author your books were great I can’t wait to find out more kinda wish I wouldn’t have found them until all was dine so I could binge out on them love the series your awesome

  • Necole Fire
    Posted at 21:13h, 03 August Reply

    When do we get a #3? Please say soon!!!

  • Lindsay ihrig
    Posted at 10:53h, 01 September Reply

    Yes I agree when is the third book ciming??? I can’t wait for it to long. I am going to go crazy!!!!

  • Stephanie Smith
    Posted at 18:20h, 28 November Reply

    I know I just love these books,but is book three in the works????? Please!!!!

  • Kerry
    Posted at 04:10h, 04 December Reply

    Where is book3???

  • Sandra Castillo
    Posted at 20:51h, 15 January Reply

    So much for book 1 & 2, how about #3, if I’d known there were more than the. 2 books I would not have started the book……..

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