Bianca Scardoni | Happy 8 Months, Jax!
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Happy 8 Months, Jax!

I haven’t posted in a while so I figured I’d do a double-post update on my little gummy bear, Jaxon, as well as an update on my progress with the second book of The Marked series!

Jaxon just turned 8 months on the 6th and is doing great. He’s eating like a little champ, sitting, babbling non-stop, and loves to kiss and cuddle. He’s not crawling yet because apparently he discovered that getting his mommy to take him from place to place is much easier :p

Look at that face, you guys! I swear I could just eat him right up <3

  • Cady Burt
    Posted at 23:01h, 08 December Reply

    Awww he is adorable!

  • Aradia
    Posted at 21:31h, 09 December Reply

    So cute!!!!!!β™₯

  • Bianca Scardoni
    Posted at 05:32h, 10 December Reply

    Thanks, Cady! πŸ™‚

  • Bianca Scardoni
    Posted at 05:32h, 10 December Reply

    Thanks, Aradia! πŸ™‚

  • Hockenbury family fun
    Posted at 23:45h, 10 December Reply

    So cute love the cheeks

  • lyla cassidi
    Posted at 04:22h, 11 December Reply

    So adorable I have 6 kids my youngest son took after me and has kissable cheeks too πŸ™‚ enjoy the holidays.

  • Ena
    Posted at 04:26h, 15 December Reply

    He is so cute. He looks like his father. Lol I am not a stalker I am his cous in which makes Jaxon my cousin. I'm hoping one day I will be able to meet him. By the way I love the book so far, I'm not even finished it yet and already I'm hoping for the second one.

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