Bianca Scardoni | Chasing My Dreams
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Chasing My Dreams

So I figured I should probably post a little update about my novel being that this is a writing blog and all 😉 I’m quite tickled to admit that I’ve secretly been writing again. A lot. Jax has been sleeping better lately (albeit in his swing but hey, whatever works) so I’ve been busy finishing my novel. Yes, you read that right. Finishing. I have officially finished the FIRST DRAFT of my manuscript!!!!!!!!!!

I’m seriously on cloud nine right now. I’ve been working on this novel for so long; dreaming and wondering what it would feel like to write that final sentence, to write that final word, and here I am.  I finally silenced that part of me that told me I wouldn’t do it–couldn’t do it–and it feels sooo damn good.

But alas…

So what now? Time to bang out a second draft and then maybe, hopefully, quite possibly, let someone besides myself read it. Whatever happens, I did it. I finished my story from start to finish and that was the goal. Anything more than that is just icing on my proverbial cake.

Time to go kiss my little angel and thank him for letting mommy finish her story…
He is, without a doubt, my reason for everything.


  • Aradia
    Posted at 22:19h, 03 November Reply

    It's so cool to read your posts… they're like a timeline of what happened in the past 2 years of your life, sort of like that novel "Love, Rosie." It's adorable and funny to see how you went from adoption a puppy to getting a boyfriend to moving in with him to being pregnant to having a baby! It all seemed to have happened so fast haha but it sounds like you're really happy 🙂

  • Bianca Scardoni
    Posted at 23:46h, 04 November Reply

    It really did happen fast. I went from only having to worry about myself to having a complete family in less than 2 years lol. I wouldn't change a single thing about it, though 🙂

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